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How Do I Remove Someone as a Brand Manager?
How Do I Remove Someone as a Brand Manager?

On Fatsoma, we’ve made it super easy to manage who does and doesn’t have access to your brand.

Anne Fitzsimmons avatar
Written by Anne Fitzsimmons
Updated over a week ago
  1. From your Dashboard, locate the brand you would like to remove a Brand Manager from. This can be done using the menu on the right-hand side of the page, or by clicking on the ‘Pages’ tab at the top of the page and selecting the correct brand from the drop down menu.

  2. Locate the ‘Users’ section in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

  3. Select ‘Managers’.

  4. Locate the Brand Manager you want to remove.

  5. Click the bin icon next to their email address.

  6. Click ‘OK’ in the confirmation pop-up to remove the Brand Manager.

Congratulations, you have successfully removed a Brand Manager!

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